tony lee wrote:
Now, how many US motorhomers have been even moderately inconvenienced let alone murdered, robbed or actually been made to worry about their safety during their travels in Mexico. Compare that to how many of those same motorhomers who have been even moderately inconvenienced let alone murdered, robbed or actually been made to worry about their safety during their travels in the USA.
Your preaching to the choir. Mexico takes the rap for just about everything. I've given up but I do understand one thing. Mexico is a wonderful country and people can talk it down, make it look bad, dangerous, poor, the list of negative adjectives goes on, but I know from first-hand experience what boondocking in Mexico is all about.
Good thing there are rv parks. The last thing I want is to spend months in an American/Canadian enclave having happy hours at 4:30. Sure it's fun once in awhile but to spend a winter doing that? Forget it.
People judge Mexico on their first-hand experiences. I've heard it all over the years. All places are dangerous, you'll get ripped off, corruption abounds, the water is bad, food is poorly prepared. The list goes on.
Unfortunately, we lost some good experienced Mexicans on this forum and I can understand why. Imagine if they talked down the U.S. and Canada they way some people do here.