We do boondock at Pemex stations but only ones that are 24 hour and ones with plenty of light and visibility. There are stations that accommodate trucks that will also allow RVers. There are Pemex stations with fenced yards and security guards. We use the one about 5 miles south of Los Mochis because we do not like the ones closer to town and we do not like the RV parks in the Los Mochis area. We found one by Tepic we think is safe because we do not fit in the Tepic RV park. We use other Pemex stations all over Mexico but can't list them all. We only use Pemex while traveling as an overnight rest stop and not as a place to hang out. Otherwise we always stay in RV parks or campgrounds. Asking about specific area Pemex possibilities here might get some help. They are not quiet places if that is a requirement. Some toll booths have parking areas some RVers use to overnight. Much of this only comes with experience roaming around MX.
On the Church's website they have updates to their book and though the book is out of date and another may not be published the website provides page by page updates as they come in from readers and users. Always cross reference from the book to the website for the latest on any place you might want to stay.