Heartfelt recommendation. Come down here. Fly. Rent a house. In August. Pass a month or so living here during Las Aguas. Pink Cloud decisions have a near 100% failure rate. RVing the Yucatan peninsula IS NO LONGER CHEAP. Very common for a remote beach to charge a 200 peso daily fee even those with utterly no services. Summer is a freaking FURNACE. Common to see Merida with 120F temps. Tulum with 95F and 95% relative humidity. Cancun visitors dash from air conditioned hotel to air conditioned taxi to air conditioned resturant.
To not to try this out is to almost guarantee failure. You do NOT want to rely on RV parks for your air conditioner. They forbid it. If you can sleep in 85F 85% relative humidity you have a better chance. I live Mexicano I eat Mexican because to do all things gringo style you will pay FAR more than you would in the USA. This is guaranteed.
Money should be the LAST reason to move to Mexico. I have spent 99.99% of the last twenty years in Mexico and have boondocked Yucatan for more than 2-years summer and winter. Yucatan has Jekyll & Hyde like differences between summer and winter.
This is SPECIFICALLY not to discourage you but simply get a glimpse of Mr. Hyde. Quien sabe, you may love it. But going in, you will get to know Mr. Hyde in August and Sept.