moisheh wrote:
No news from the USA but effective Aug.9 fully vaxed US citizens can enter Canada. So vehicle travel to Mexico has not changed. Good news for Americans wanting to drive to Alaska.
Americans wanting to drive to Alaska have been allowed to do so during all this time. They were required to take most direct route but enforcement was sporadic, only occasionally somebody was fined.
It is possible that the USA are delaying the decision because of the difference in approved vaccines - Astrazeneca isn't approved in the USA, while many Canadians got at least 1 dose of it.
Can't think of any other logical explanation. Daily cases per capita in the USA are higher than in Canada, this is to be expected after 1.5 year of lax restrictions. Vaccination rate in the USA is lower - the number of fully vaccinated in both countries is roughly the same but the number of those who got 1 dose is much higher in Canada.
And - yes, cases in Mexico are on the rise. It's dropping or staying the same in some areas but nation-wide it's rising. CDMX only a few days ago allowed vaccinations of 30-40 years old, 29 and younger are not eligible yet. Most new cases there are unvaccinated young people.