Wavesprite wrote:
Haha!! We live in Carmel, so it was funny reading about our horrible roads!! It is true that Carmel going through a change right now, because we had a major gas explosion in our town, so they are replacing all of our gas lines. Our streets are horribly patched right now.
I think the highways around our area are in bad need of repair, but did you notice the two new shiny overpasses on Highway 101 (one by the big Red Barn and one in Prunedale before 156 that gets you to the coast?) They have been working on them for years and just now have the project completed!! Maybe we'll get some new paving done soon!!
I did see both those and used them a few times. Very nice. Not picking on Carmel at all. Saw the same by Warner brothers (studio city?). Beautiful mansions and rutted old patched roads.