Facebook is a bit like going to Mexico.
I do get your point completely Tony. We go to Mexico and even places in Mexico where others fear to tread. We also go to other places in the world as well as places in the US where some would not go. We even drive the back roads. But Facebook (and the whole internet thing for that matter) is a whole different thing altogether. That, it seems, is the point so many seem to miss. I use the analogy of parking your car in a bad neighborhood with the windows rolled down and the keys in the ignition (you might as well put your wallet full of credit cards on the dash as well). You are providing easy access to your valuables to any crook who has modest skills and a halfway decent computer. Today there are supercomputers and people with amazing skills who work in teams to collate every detail of anyone's and everyone's ID. I know many choose to believe otherwise and to believe you can be safe if you put in a few controls and also control your behavior on these social media websites. So I get that you say we take risks when we travel just about anywhere and relate that to social media and Facebook in particular. I think the differences are vast and beyond most people's comprehension - which is why I travel many places but would never go on Facebook. I am not a conspiracy theorists and do not wear a tin hat. I read the reports of the hacks and how many there are and how they are done and how much money it costs and how much people can lose and what it takes to get your identity back once it has been compromised. I read about cyber security. I understand because the US Navy trained me about all this stuff a very long time ago - in a different world in much less complicated times. Today the whole thing is so much more sophisticated it is beyond imagination. They can steal my car and my RV and whatever. But to have an ID stolen is a whole other thing. Going on the internet exposes us to some serious risks that did not exist before. Going on Facebook increases those risks exponentially in ways that most people simple cannot comprehend - which is obviously why billions of naive people do it - and why the criminal community is jumping for joy. We make choices and take risks - why would someone jump out of a perfectly good airplane - which millions choose to do. But Facebook is a whole other ballgame. US football players wear tons of protective equipment and years later find out that almost 90% of them have brain damage. You think you are protecting yourself. Going on Facebook is like playing football without a helmet. Take the time and make the effort to research some of what I am trying to say. You will find the risks are far greater than you choose to believe.