Mexico got arrogant once it figured out fly-in tourists arrive, dump ten grand in a week then leave. The TIP process (Temporary Importation Permit) is only simple of nothing goes them losing your proof of return out of their database and you see your cash register grade thermal print receipt has faded to "blank". Or a PFP wrote a wrong number or letter in the VIN number report when he was furnishing proof your totaled rig was indeed legally towed to a corralon federal.
Want to help END the problem?
If you see a Green Angel truck, ask for "un forma para denuncias y quejas"
Fill it out. Specify the thermal printed receipt method is bogus. You want an AUTHENTIC printed receipt issued to you at the border. SIGNED with the Aduanero's NAME and employee BADGE NUMBER.
Yes the form will actually go to Aduana and yes someone actually has to fill it out and specify an answer. Bureaucratic Mexico HATES THIS WITH A PURPLE PASSION.
Or you can wait for your own personalized nightmare to arrive. It will, sooner or later.