gene jones wrote:
I am planning a trip through Canada to Alaska. AT&T wants $40 and a dollar a min. to use phone in Canada. My phone is unlocked and can take a SIM card from anyone. I need information on using a Canadian Phone card and SIM card. If anyone has any information on how to accomplish this, Please share with me.
Gene Jones
San Antonio, TX
Depending on what your goals are, you may find
American Roaming Network (ARN) to be of interest. I found out about them when we were traveling in WV last summer. Many parts of WV are completely blocked out of the major carriers' cell networks. (long story) With ARN you buy a PIN that lets you make outbound calls even in places where there is no cell service. My understanding is you could even use an old phone that has no network plan at all. I was very skeptical at first, but it worked, and it gave us the peace of mind of knowing that we could make calls from anywhere. No data. No incoming calls. But if you want to be able to call out from anywhere this will help you out. A $15 PIN will get you through.