Some pretty sketchy vehicles on the road down there. Actually, thanks to NAFTA, they may be Mexican too. . .just sayin'.
Actually, very few trucks from Mexico go any further in the US than the border distribution/transfer warehouses. This has been discussed previously on this forum - maybe last year. It has only been very recently that trucks from Mexico have been allowed in the US - way past when the NAFTA agreement was supposed to allow them in. Lots online about all this. There are very strict requirements and inspections that trucks and drivers must pass at the border before being allowed in the US. Most Mexican truckers are not interested in entering the US. Many US trucking companies have their trailers going to/from Mexico but they switch tractors and drivers at the border.
A couple years ago we were driving I-10 between Deming and Las Cruces, NM when a 5th wheel went by us at a pretty good clip. There are signs along that stretch saying to go slow due to wind. About 10 miles down the road the 5th wheel was upside down in the median and both the 5th wheel and the pickup looked like they rolled a few times. The 5th wheel was totally destroyed and in a million pieces all over the median. Good thing the median is wide there or they could have wiped out a few cars on the other side.