carney wrote:
Ah, a hack driver. Man after my own heart. I'm an ex-hack driver, having sold my BMW K100/EML 2001GT rig in a moment of insanity. On two wheels now. I'd like to hear about your rig-where will u cross into Mexico? I am in Louisiana.
Couple years ago we rode down the east coast of Mexico on bikes. Mistake, I think, should have gone a different route. We didn't go to copper canyon, another mistake.
C. Robertson
Thinking of crossing into Mexico somewhere between Yuma & El Paso. Not sure yet.
My hack is a 2005 R1200GS with a DMC Expedition sidecar. Took a trip to northern Alaska from Washington state (home) in 2014. Fantastic way to travel on calcium loaded roads when wet! Rode about 10,000 miles in 30 days. Awesome trip.