Here is a link to the story.
According to today’s news the boy is in stable condition and recovering. Unfortunately the cocodrilo now finds herself fenced in with brand new fencing, making it likely she will see humans as a threat instead of neutral cohabitants of this world. Human stupidity was the cause of this incident, not the presence of cocodrilos. The parents are at fault for letting their child play in an estero where all locals should know cocodrilos live.
Please, when visiting an area where you aren't familiar with the local wildlife, be super careful.
We have traveled extensively in Mexico with two dogs and a cat, have had no issue because we were very aware of what could happen.
Yes, I had nightmares about our first weimaraner getting eaten, but have since worked through that with knowledge of the areas we were traveling in. That was years ago, fortunately.
We live in Zihuatenjeo. We dog for an hour each morning on the beach, use our SUP's and now swim at least a mile in our bay.
Are we aware of the crocs? Absolutely!!! We have been paddling more than once and had people on shore waving and letting us know that one was out and about during daylight hours, which is unusual.
Now that we are also swimming, it hasn't come up, but we are very aware.
Isn't nature wonderful??? So is knowledge!