Forum Discussion

Tequila's avatar
Nov 12, 2016

Crossing at nogales this morning

With a 1 ton, I wll see if I have hassles. Sal & Barb Contreras had hassles over wiehgt with theri 3/4 ton at Laredo a few days ago. They finally got the permit, but it was a hassle. I am waiting ofr a report form a freind who crossed there yesterday with a 1 ton, but he got his on line ahead of time. I do have a government weigh scale certificate of my truck weight (curb weight which is under 7710 or 3500 Kg) which says "curb weight = GVW when weighed" I will pull out if needed.
  • peachland2 wrote:
    Glad to hear!Did you do your TIP on line,if so are there any changes there or is the same and received by fedex promptly?If not anyone else out there can comment on the TIP process?
    I have read that the FMM can also be done online,anyone know about that ?
    Thank you

    I did it in person
  • Unless you are crossing Nogales close to Xmas there are no long lines. You can get your vehicle permit and your FMM in under 30 minutes. Never any problems.
  • Glad to hear!Did you do your TIP on line,if so are there any changes there or is the same and received by fedex promptly?If not anyone else out there can comment on the TIP process?
    I have read that the FMM can also be done online,anyone know about that ?
    Thank you
  • well no hassle of weight but they gave me one over my ATV. In BC you get a permanent license and they did not like the fact my papers had no expiry date. I had to hang around until 9 AM when the aduana showed up. He approved it. Its always something.