playaboy wrote:
qtla9111 wrote:
Why isn't there a concerted effort between the three North American countries?
That is fantasy thinking. Would you want to see a complete lock down of the 3 countries? Mandatory vaccinations? Interment camps (in Canada they call them quarantine hotels) for those who refuse?
In the USA Public Health is a State/local matter. The Feds have very little control over the local enforcement agency. In Cali alone there are more than 50 public health agencies. These bureaucrats will not surrender their authority/power to the Feds. The only thing the Feds can do is advise and send out free money to keep people compliant.
Canada Public Health is mostly Federally controlled. They have done a poor job. They depended on globalism to send them vaccines. Now they are playing catch up.
Mexico is Mexico, taking care of the corrupt and let the people be dammed.
QTLA, what do you think should have happened?
There's no fantasy here. It's reality. You're obviously not a believer and you've made that clear. You didn't see my post that was deleted last week.
Imagine if we had had an agreement and did an actual lockdown in the beginning? With the three-step precautionary measures, we could have nipped this in the bud and reduced the damage considerably.
There already exists an agreement between the three countries, T-MEC although Mexico's president has violated 12 articles of the agreement. The T-MEC is about business, jobs, and economies. Isn't that pretty much what you are referring to in terms of the damage that has been done? So if we would have worked together, locked down hard for a few months we would have been in a condition that was survivable.
But, it was selfishness on the parts of the Mexican government, Mexicans, and tourists who made the situation worse.
So suspect people are crossing back and forth via land from the U.S. to Mexico and there is no one checking. I recently returned from SMA working on a project in a rural area. 100 Mexicans in these rural areas died after their paisano relatives came from the U.S. and visited during Christmas. That left them in a no man's land. No one wanted to help them.
All I know is that Mexico is now on a slippery slope and I feel for those who have invested heavily in winter homes and businesses. Mexico's new economic model is based on Venezuela.
As I have said before, it's easy to come and go from Mexico if you are not vested in the country. If things go sour you can just head back home. So as you say, Mexico is what it is, to a tourist. Being a Mexican and not having anywhere else to go isn't such an easy situation.