or maybe more commonly put in a LOWER price for their own station and once you arrive find that it is much higher. I have run across this a lot in Canada.
We just finished our trip 4 weeks ago. Dallas to Niagara to Dawson City, up to Tuktoyotuk, all around Alaska and back down ti Albuquerque. Found just one station with price for diesel way higher than the app, but the gas prices were all correct so could have been a typo. One other cheap price turned out to be too high in biodiesel. Neither was a big deal simply because thete is aleays another station just doen the road.
As for lots of stations not having a orice showing. Conversely, a lot do, but regardkess, knowing prices for 70% of stations along a route, plus knowing exactly where they are and getting navigated to the door surely has to be a hell of a lot better than not having any information at all.