To me, Mexico 99.5% the people and the culture. .5% attractions.
Not any more. Few if any of you could really tolerate living the way I do. Why? Stuff is basic. Haul hot water for bathing. No insulation. Off and on again internet. no books here, zero en Ingles. I hate TV. I hold conversations with gringos very seldom. All Mexican friends. my family is Mexicano.
I get sick when I am forced to go to the USA for Medical Care. After paying a half million in taxes and Social Insecurity I have paid my way 100%.
People who come to Mexico despite the Mexicans, should stay north of the border. I like maybe 2-5% of the Mexicans who migrate into the USA and more than 70% of whom I like here. IMHO I am convinced the American culture "screws up the average Mexican". Why, I am not sure of. But it does. Why are they so different down here?
Simply use common sense. It doesn't need a bookshelf of how to do it tomes. Do not isolate yourself. The problems in Michoacan were complicated. Starting with an utterly corrupt PRI state government. Funding for murder incorporated was provided by your north of the border friends and neighbors who use drugs and subsidized corruption and violence. The Mexicans are not blameless in this to put a blunt point on things. But NOT ONE WORD HAS EVER BEEN UTTERED...
This is as shameful as moderate muslims never denouncing publicly terrorists in their ranks.
The words! I hear "Not possible" or "How ya gonna tell?" or "You must be joking". Now change the subject line to radical religion terrorism. if you do not get the point, I freakin' give up.
The USA. Take Mexico away as a neighbor. Take Canada away as a neighbor. To the south lies Syria and to the north, North Korea. Do you like that, better?
This isn't an amusement park with 120,000,000 specimens waiting to act "ethnic" for tourists. It isn't a shooting gallery or torture chamber or level 5 biological hazard at the Center For Disease Control.
Mexico requires common sense and from a few that comment it is clear that they will never qualify. I don't don a sheet and run up and down the streets in Harlem, either...
Yeah I'm cranky tonight.