Potable Water safety. Get a supply of best quality cannister water filters. Look for one with small micron pores. Look for ones labeled specifically for Guardia, and lead, arsenic and nasty bugs. The blue on camping world sells fits any standard 10 in housing as well as their own. Others are available on line. A ceramic cartridge, with charcoal media including silver inside to fight off green stuff and nasties in addition to the small pores of say .5 micron will keep you bowels happy. Carry drinking water chlorine, like sold at CW and Wally World. Tast a lot better than laundry leach. Also a free standing self priming pump and end filter for a hose, so you can pump water, if need be, from a stream or pond or cattle trough. A water softener and refills will bee good too.
On food eat only where the nicer clothed eat and be selective. Fruits and vegetables are safer than meats. Any meats cook until you know it is done. Might mean a lot BBQ. Drink wine with your food. This is what keeps so many in Europe from throwing their guts up. The alcohol does kill bugs but not all of them.