Talleyho69 wrote:
Why add bleach? Sounds like you are making great water without it.
The problem is that filters aren't always going to guarantee potable water. They can be dependant on the flow rate and those pushing the water through with high water pressures may be kidding themselves that they are creating potable water out of non-potable water. Most filter manufacturers don't guarantee them for use with non-potable water sources anyway. Reverse osmosis or UV filters with appropriate flow rates and maintenance will work though.
Some filters will end up being the prime source of contamination if they aren't replaced regularly
The amount of bleach I add (when I bother) is as per recommendations when the locals suggestthat the town supply isn't up to standard, and then the Everpure undersink filter removes any slight residual chlorine. Bathroom taps don't go through a filter so there is some sense in chlorinating the general water tank if you use on-board water for cleaning teeth.
The filter is there because the previous owners installed it. A couple of our other rigs don't have filters anyway and they are used in far more primitive areas than North America.
OpenStreet maps can be downloaded for any part of the world and installed on most Garmin GPS. Garmin does have a map that covers most of S America and Central America but misses out on some countries such as Bolivia. Open street maps fill in the gaps.