Forum Discussion

teeznu's avatar
Oct 17, 2018

Eugene OR heading SE on the Oregon 58

Leaving Nov 1st out of Eugene. Considering taking the 58 SE to the 97. North on the 97 several miles to the 31. South on the 31 to Silver lake and points South. Eventually to California 395. That time of year will SNOW be a factor? Thanks to all who reply in advance.
  • Just a quick update. We left Eugene OR yesterday, very early. 5AM. Came thru the Williamette pass with no issues. 52 degrees at the summit and believe it or not, there were small patches of snow and at one point it was actually "snowing". We're now in Carson City, NV and will be continuing on our trip East today. We overnight in Death Valley this evening. Again, thanks to all who responded.
  • We took that road a few years ago in early spring and hit snow, but it wasn't bad and didn't stick. I think you will be fine, but just watch the local weather report.
  • I would do as are planning, there is a lot of traffic on Hwy 97 and if there is snow on Hwy 58 then there surely will be on S 97 too. If there is snow on Hwy 58 then there is a possibility of snow to Susanville.

    Just past Crescent Lake on Hwy 58 turn left on the Gilchrist/Crescent cut-off road, this will safe you a few miles and then north on Hwy 97 for 15 miles to OR 31.

    If there is snow, you should be out of by mile post 25 on OR 31 and then you in the high desert.

    This is my choice of travel over Hwy 97, to many trucks and to many accidents.
  • Actually the current warm (except at night) and clear period in the PNW has more to do with weather than climate. There's a large persistent ridge of high pressure off shore that's deflecting the moist ocean air around us. And seasonally the amount of snow has more to do with LaNina/Nino oscillations that with long term climate trends.

    We just camped in Winthrop on the NE side of the Washington Cascades (about 2000 ft). While day temperatures were warm (60s?), early morning temps were freezing.

    97 and 31 are on the dry side of the Cascades. Willamette Pass on 58 is just a bit higher than 97. The 7d forecast for Crescent on 97 is for highs around 70, and lows below freezing - and clear. Lakeview which bills itself as the highest town in Oregon is actually a bit warmer.

    The longer term forecasts expect this ridge to weaken, and a regional return to wetter weather. But that will have more effect on Eugene than over the mountains.

    Just keep an eye on the forecasts and Oregon Tripcheck for highway conditions. As long as they don't predict a major storm off the ocean I don't expect bad driving conditions. And if a store comes, it's as likely to produce snow on the I5 pass as on 97 and 395. I5 is lower, but closer to the ocean.

    The other thing that could adversely affect driving in the interior is a mass of cold air from Canada, and I don't see that in the forecast.

    Crescent Or is just over the pass. If the pass gets snow then Crescent could as well.

    I highly doubt you'll see any snow then. In fact Willamette Pass Ski area will probably be late to open this year. The PNW is in a warm period due to climate change. It can change fast but temps are too warm to have any snow of any amount. It may snow on the pass (5,000') but won't stay long.
  • You should expect snow any month of the year east of the Cascades. There will be very few camp sites after Labor day east of the Cascades.
    Instead of back tracking head south on 97. At Klamath Falls you can head SE to Alrurus.