Yeah, we did the Roswell museum one day. It's pretty entertaining. If not quite informative, if one is willing to actually spend the time needed to read the many articles throughout the exhibits. Always wanted to do the Rachael/Area 51 thing too.
I wonder why? Like the one posted suggestion about the Nuclear test site? It's a good suggestion for the question, but adds a factor of "sickness" - not for the suggestion, but for the intrigue of it. Why do we do the things we do in the name of excited exploration? Not enough excitement - we kind of dismiss. Alternatively, we expand the mundane into fantastical explanations.
We are a weird species. Is that why we explore the unanswerable? Or even perhaps why WE are being explored?
The very nature of its secrecy (any subject), in this case, the Alien question and its obvious connection to world religions or human creation aspects for some people - or the military secrecy in the name of defense, even while recognizing how after WWII, the US brought many of the German scientists here under Project Paper-Clip. German politics and scientific study of the time was so deep into the para-normal or supernatural, and we just imported it here. What is our level now? In the US? The secret, but expected hidden levels of accepted justification, but potential extremes of "weird, wild stuff".
Is the Fake News phenomena just another social experiment? I mean you have to think about that. Most "attacks" by one group against another is based on the attacking group's willingness to explain the deviancy of their own method, by attributing it to the opposing side. The "miss-direct". If it is not the aliens, then it is our own species - doing it to ourselves.
Of course it could be the alien's controlling the authorities (control based on reasoned convincing so to speak, not physiological control - although either is possible I suppose). Maybe the authorities ARE the aliens. One side photo-shops the reptilian eyes into the leaders of one party, one religion - while the other side photo-shops the reptilian eyes onto the leaders of the first side. Or are the pictures analog? Are there reptilian eyes on the one and bearded white-robed old men or Scandinavian blue eyes on the other?
Why? Are we like Fox Mulder? We want to believe? If we've picked, or accepted as adults to continue to pick the childhood selected belief system, political, moral, religious, opinions. What drives that? And by the time any individual accepts their own belief system as their foundation, they are then in a psychological safety zone of, that bad stuff is okay - it's explained. We have to go through that. Nobody wants to, but we can accept it and let the authorities have the freedom to "do as they will". Except, of course, those who we believe are going against the principals of OUR potentially narrow definition of acceptability.
Without it there's chaos, anarchy. With it, we can sit through it and stay satisfied, even while the world burns down around us. What a weird species.
We say we want answers. But I don't think we do. We want mystery. Excitement. Heros. So we watch Football. We pick a side, a team. We become connected to something - something bigger than ourselves. We have meaning, purpose - now. We have a TEAM! Now that we have a "place" to be part of. A safety zone from which we can point our fingers at others. Thank God we didn't remain simply an individual.
Maybe you can see me thinking out loud. Is this more about my eventual trip reporting style (of which has not yet been selected)? More about that, than it is about where to actually go on such a trip as this?
I suppose we will see. But I've been known to fool myself. Can't never tell what I MAY be thinking. ;)
(cue the X-Files music)
Dave turns to DW and says, "I hope I'm not setting myself up for a fail here".
The Truth is Out There!