Wonderful info for me everyone. I appreciate your answers.
Definitely not a solo beach camp trip. I do want an established cg definitely.
This would be an early summer time trip....like the May/June type time frame but I have not even narrowed that down totally yet. In very early stages of planning a very long trip here :)
briansue thanks for all that recommended reading you listed.
An AZ crossing? ok this is a possibility as hubby wants the Painted Desert in AZ to be part of our plan so my entry can possibly change into Mex. since I have not narrowed down our route yet.
this is in early plan stage and all of the info you guys listed is an absolute help to me.
I will read the stickies for info also...duh, I don't know why I didn't go there yet but I sure will now :)
Being from the South we can handle heat and humidity LOL but I sure understand our timing might not be the best to come thru this area but we are always game to try :) :)
Thank you everyone. You gave me great info. to go off and research more info for my trip. I have alot of wandering to do in my research and with this info you gave me a wonderful starting point.
thank you all for your help!!