Forum Discussion

Grey_Mountain's avatar
Sep 20, 2018

Farewell to Canada

Our first trip to Canada was to Winnipeg in 2001. British Bride, her sister and I. Encountered a real internatinal incident on tha trip.The World Soccer matches were ongoing and a final matchup was scheduled the day after we got to our RV park. New to satellite systems, I was having a problem getting set up. Wandered through the camp, saw a similar setup and asked the camper - unfortuntely, he only spoke French, and my linguistic abilities in French approach zero.

However, finally got set up and tried to find the channel - however, Murphy's Law was alive and real. The channel that had been broadcasting the games was not doing it that day. Finally found it though. So there we were - one Comanche Indian, two British citizens, in Canada, watching England play Denmark in Japan and being broadcast in Spanish...

We have made 16 or so trips to Canada since then - mostly to Vancouver Island, but twice to the Canadian Maratimes. Participated in a Mik'maq powwow on PEI - a Comanche dancing to the drum with First Nations people on PEI!

Made many, many Canadian friends during these trips, created memories that will last a lifetime. Also met people from all over the world as well.

We were planning to return to Vancouver Island this year and were into the trip with a ten-day stop in Nebraska to visit my British Brides sister. She no longer traveled with us due to health. We were due to leave in a few days and meander our way northwest, eventually taking the ferry to the Island.

From nowhere, my wife stated one morning, "I don't feel good about this trip." I had felt the same way for a couple of weeks, but had said nothing. We discussed it and decided that perhaps God was telling us to change our minds. We did, and subsequent events revealed that God was right. We finished our Nebraska visit and returned home.

So we will most likely not make another trip to our adopted country.
But we will not forget the many events and adventures and the countless number of friend.f

And on Canada Day, I will run up the Maple Leaf.

It's been a trip!