Great! Thank you!
I decided on mi low max temp recording thermometers, that would freeze the alarm temp reading until reset. I need to get to eBay and check out your advice :)
At the moment I am at my close-to-the-border medical hideout. Three hours puts me in my cardiac surgeon's office. Surgeon Guteierrez makes it to Lazaro IMSS once every three months. The surgeon is going to accompany me for a full spinal MRI for the neurosurgon's use. I have a "maybe" dual electrode pacemaker and since it's implant have entirely lost the 3rd AV node bundle branch. So without the pacemaker I am in full heartblock. With the grumpy surgeon there I can receive treatment in seconds. This is not only risky but dangerous in anything but a primera class IMSS facility in Mexico -- read Guadalajara and IMSS considers the MRI to be -Not Absolutely Essential- not life-saving. So no referral to Guadalajara thus no treatment.
This one on AMAZON
by CeilBlue
Hi-Lo Alarm Thermometer With External Bottle
Price: $58.26 & FREE Shipping
New (1) from $58.26 & FREE shipping.
Is one that retains the max temperature. But it isn't dirt cheap.
It's rather foolish to have a temp alarm that faults during the night then forgets it instantly once power is restored.
And I cannot seem to find a memory alarm on eBay. I do not have good internet especially for eBay. Maybe I am using the wrong search terms.