teeznu wrote:
Out of Ft. Collins I see a road by the name of 287. It diagonals to Laramie.
Or, I can take I-25 up to Cheyenne and then I-80 over to Laramie. 25 to 80 would probably be faster, but fast isn't what I'm looking for.
A Pretty scenic drive ranks better than fast. So tell me what you think. As always your suggestions are appreciated in advance.
US 287 between Fort Collins and Laramie is both faster and more scenic than I-25 to I-80.
Coming out of Fort Collins is a bit of a problem, as there is construction going on; a new roundabout is being built in place of a previous traffic light, where the Laporte Bypass intersects with County Rd 54G. Slow going getting through, but the good news is that they are in the winding down process. Most of the major construction is done and realigned. Just watch the signs and take it slow.
Once past that, it's a smooth drive all the way to Laramie. The Bypass has 3 lane segments as you get around Laporte. It's a steady, very gradual uphill past the intersection with CO 14. There's a long 2 lane section but it's straight and traffic moves along well. 3 lanes from Owl Canyon to the Red Feather Lakes turnoff, still going uphill.
From the Red Feather Road heading north, it's a lot of rolling countryside with beautiful views of the Rawahs and Never Summer Mountains to the west, as well as the northern part of RMNP to the SW. Lots of 3 lane sections for passing/being passed/climb lanes, it's still heading up hill, but still gradual. None of these uphills are bad, not unlike rolling hills in other parts of the country. When you get to Virginia Dale (historical site, nothing else there), you're not far from the state line. Goodly climb to the top of the Laramie Ridge, then a 4 lane section coming down into the Laramie Valley. Straight and flat from then on into Laramie.
Speed limit posted most of the way is 65, most folks are doing 70ish. Major truck route, but they don't slow you down. They are kicking it, to get back on I-80, and there's plenty of passing lanes. There's a rest area on the west side of US 287 near the state line; it's seasonal, usually closes sometime in September.
Enjoy your trip!