Forum Discussion

ThreeToGo's avatar
Jan 21, 2014

George and Ms. Tioga

Does anybody know what became of George and Ms. Tioga? Our beloved George was always a mainstay of Mexican travelers and his blog was followed by hundreds - even many who never ventured south of the border. George's last entry in the fall of 2013 was posted from Southern California.
    • He ended up living in LaMesa, suburb of San Diego.  Then . . . he had bought something like a travel trailer, teardrop, or something like that.  Then . . . I haven't read anything by him or about him since then.  Anybody know something to bring it up to date?
  • George is in Cal. Bakersfield He had a heart attack & totaled Miss Tioga. He was not hurt had bypass surgery and is recuperating in a hotel there due to the fact
    that his doctors are there. He will be there for the month of April.
  • George had an accident and open heart surgery. Snowmans link (above)still works.
  • So sad what happened to Panchito and Don Pancho!!! I feel so bad that George had to see that... I loved to read Tioga George's blog every day. My kids were always asking me about George's travels and what he was up to ... I have emailed him a few times and continue to pray for him. He is such a kind and nice man.
  • I last saw him at hacienda Contreras last April. I can't imagine him not going to Mexico anymore, he loves it down here.
  • yes, George is still doing some traveling and camping, but doesn't do his daily blog anymore. He seems to be fine, but getting older, like a lot of us.
  • Thank you, snowman, for stopping rumors and speculations before they flourish. :)
  • His blog is here

    I think he is done with Mexico. Two locals he knew were murdered at their shop. You can read his last few entries and get the drift of it.

    I saw he posted a Merry Christmas greeting. I read the comments, and towards the end he acknowledged that he was at Quartzsite with friends as of last week.
  • There was a thread here a while back where it indicated that he more or less left the blogging world, or something to that effect. Some seemed to think he had some kind of mental breakdown.