Tawanda wrote:
And, yes, Tawanda i straight out of the movie "Fried Green Tomatoes." I need some of Cathy Bates confidence to pull off this trip.
You couldn't have picked a better role model!
As for your trip:
My Mother did EXACTLY what you're going to do the summer before she turned 65, only she did it in a little Mazda pickup with a canopy on the back. Took her six weeks and she had the time of her life!
She started out from Portland, Oregon, headed north to Vancouver B.C., and traveled due east along whatever-the-trans-Canada-highway is up there. She returned via the most northerly U.S. route- hwy 20, as I remember. Her approach was to map out Parks along the way and head for those each night. She stayed with some friends back east for a few days while there, but the rest of the time she slept in the back of the pickup and showered etc. at campground facilities.
The only trouble she reported was having her campsite raided by some tiny "bears" in a Canadian campground, and a plugged fuel filter somewhere in a remote part of (I think) Montana. She was "rescued" in Montana by a friendly truckdriver. The bears she had to fight off herself, determined as she was not to lose the cooler they were busily emptying.