Forum Discussion

qtla9111's avatar
Feb 03, 2016

GPS In Mexico City

It really works and quite well. I worked there over the weekend and we used a GPS, Google Maps, and Waze. All three were right on.

From the airport to the hotel, the hotel to the event on Saturday, and then back to the airport. Times were right on also.

I thought it was interesting.
  • Not a car a big RV they can get stuck real quick in places trying to get to places, GPS instructions are notorious for taking the shortest route, and those some times are not meant to be driven even by cars, just letting people that use this devices that caution should be exercised and not rely on them as a given.

    Common sense is thrown out the window when they get and use one and use it blindly.

  • navegator wrote:
    Be very careful using the GPS there are some streets that have low overhang electric wires and some gas stations and streets also have very steep gradients, entering them will scrape if not hang RVs with long overhangs, there is one gas station near the house and a couple of Avenidas that I can not use with my 24 foot class C because of the entry angle of the road, and I have to navigate from one side of the street to the other to avoid wires and tree branches, before going use Google maps and see where you are going, some times you can click on a store or restaurant and see the street view for an idea of what it looks like.

    What does that have to do with driving a car in Mexico City???
  • Be very careful using the GPS there are some streets that have low overhang electric wires and some gas stations and streets also have very steep gradients, entering them will scrape if not hang RVs with long overhangs, there is one gas station near the house and a couple of Avenidas that I can not use with my 24 foot class C because of the entry angle of the road, and I have to navigate from one side of the street to the other to avoid wires and tree branches, before going use Google maps and see where you are going, some times you can click on a store or restaurant and see the street view for an idea of what it looks like.
