I'l bet I'm far from the only one who reads this on a tablet. Bumping the text up to a size that makes it comfortable to read means roughly half the topics listing is gone. Perhaps the moderators should make certain sections, like this one, have to be logged in seperately. That way only those who think the same and have gone to the same places can read and post here.
Is there anyway to block sections like this. I would hate to accidently post in the mexico forum again.
Sorry - none of this was directed at you specifically. You are apparently new to this forum while others are regulars and do not miss any opportunity to post what can only be defined as dumb remarks. Anyone who has anything of use to post is more than welcome - positive - negative - or otherwise. Lots of the regulars here post negative things about Mexico all the time - but they still return year after year. What many here object to is those who come on this forum day after day and find things to say about things they obviously know nothing about or could care less about. Perhaps if their posts provided some intelligent well thought out information that could be of use to anyone instead of just behaving like 10 year olds someone would welcome them.
I have been on this forum for over 7 years and have never heard of the
"newest" button - don't know what it is or where it is. I just looked again and cannot find it. I post on the Mexico forum because I have knowledge and experience to share with people and to help people to learn about Mexico. What possible reason can those who have no interest in this forum to visit it solely to make inane derogatory comments that are of no use to anyone? Juvenile?