Last time I was on I86 I was heading east from Jamestown. (I was in a car rather than RV-ing.)
A utility truck in front of me drove over a rough spot in the road and flung a rock at my windshield, cracking it.
Draw your own conclusions.
Oh, and concerning the expensive Thruway (I90), our illustrious Governor (Cuomo) is now talking about increasing the toll in a couple of years to pay the multi-billion dollar re-build cost of the Tappan Zee Bridge in New York City. This is right after he got the legislature to name the new bridge the Cuomo Bridge - after his father, Mario, of course. Note: This is an a-political statement. It's just a warning that if you think the Thruway is expensive now, just wait a couple of years. It will get worse. Might want to avoid NY altogether.