I'm considering adding Bella Coola to our return turn to Alaska via Canada. Would like to know when the best time to see bears there.
garyhaupt wrote:
Yeah...mosquitoes and black flies. Living up north until just recently, I did find and use a great homemade bug repellent. A sealer filled with Apple Cider vinegar and a nice fat handful of fresh spinach. Crush the spinach in your hands to get all bruised and such...let it sit in the fridge overnight. Buy a plastic garden spray bottle? and liberally spray it about yourself. Yes, you can smell the cider vinegar for a few minutes till it dries...then no smell and it sure worked for me. Mind you...always carry some of the heavy duty OFF, just in case...but that stuff is pretty harsh
Thanks for your mixture for mosquito and fly repellent. Mosquitoes ate me alive in Alaska