CowFam wrote:
We are headed out west from the Piedmont area of NC. Our current plan is to stop in the following places: Nashville TN, Hot Springs AR, San Antonio TX, Carlsbad Caverns NM, Albuquerque NM, Flagstaff AZ, Lake Powell UT, Mesa Verde CO, Moab UT, Salt Lake City UT, and then on to Yellowstone and work our way through the Badlands and take the northerly route back east.
Based on this order, and sticking to interstates and US or state highways, I don't think you'll encounter any roads that would be shelf roads, or steep twisty roads...except within Mesa Verde NP itself. There's a climb from the entrance up to the area of the Ranger Station and the Morefield CG, and twisties as you navigate roads from one cliff dwelling site to another. And then there's an upper portion that again has a bit of a climb. Not talking about huge elevation gains here, no passes or anything like that. If you're staying outside the park, this won't be an issue, if you're staying at Morefield, as stated, there's a climb but it's not difficult -- folks do it all the time with a variety of trailers/motorhomes.