Importa Madre Su Salud
Is only one of several public health plans. Another is SEGURO POPULÁR. An IMSS facility like all others and like all doctors is obligated to "stabilize" anyone seeking emergency treatment (no cost). Once the patient has been stabilized the IMSS prefers non-members to be transferred to another facility usually a Seguro Populár. From first tier through 2nd tier then to clinics referred to as "perifericos" the IMSS has a more highly defined level of care. The USA priced hospitals are very touchy about ensuring people admitted can foot the bill.
And realize this: There is NO NARCOTIC PAIN MEDICATION administered in public hospitals. Bring your own from the USA. 10 mg Oxycodin is a good choice. When I slent 10-days in a Seguro Popular I learned rudely the hospital does not administer any oral medication. It has to be purchased by the patient at an outside farmacia. The sole farmacias near my hospital were illegally charging eqvt of FIVE DOLLARS for 10 Tylenol tablets. Blatent taping over of Precio Maximo Al Publico. Welcome to México :)