For a few years before and after retirement we traveled to the wet coast (Vancouver Island) several tomes at various seasons to see if we wanted to move there. We did not take an RV.
Not being large city people we avoided Victoria and found the area north & south of Nanaimo more to our liking, say from Chemainus to Parksville\Qualicum.
We bought good rain suits and resolved to be active regardless even when raining. Nov Dec, very short days as elsewhere but seemed worse as often heavily clouded and very dull by mid afternoon. The dampness can certainly chill you and seemed worse than similar temperatures as home would. I found night driving uncomfortable in the city as streets were usually wet resulting in a lot of light reflection.
Feb March days are getting longer, seemed to be more sun, nice greenery, flowers coming out on shrubs,lots of nice hiking and biking. Sure there was still rain but tolerable. They can get some real storms though with very strong winds. It seemed the temperature was often higher when it was raining probably because of the air coming off the ocean as opposed to the mainland.
We didn't move, more for family reasons. Would we go again? Sure but probably not before mid Feb. probably not with an RV and probably because the dollar value or health made it unattractive to go south.
Osoyoos. We have not stayed there in the winter but know many who have. (Not Rv's). The common comment seems to be the lack of sunshine.
You could probably find the sun by taking a short drive out of the valley but you would be entering winter. We did buy a recreation property in another B.C. valley closer to home. Definitely more wintry than the Okanagan but factors are probably similar. Based on our experience I think you could anticipate midwinter, 0C type temperatures with only a very few degrees difference between daytime highs and nighttime lows. Limited winds ard less fluctuations in weather conditions than we get east of the mountains. Also limited precipitation.