Forum Discussion

rvmex's avatar
Oct 10, 2015


Just a note to let you know that the Hermosillo RV Park will be open we have 10 full hook-up back in spaces available and a RV Sign will be at the entrance....

In case of a late arrival, if gates are closed blow your horn and the night guard will open the gates for you... mile south of the second over pass on your right as you come from Nogales to Hermosillo..

All coments will be appreciated.

  • rvmex wrote:
    Just a note to let you know that the Hermosillo RV Park will be open we have 10 full hook-up back in spaces available and a RV Sign will be at the entrance....

    In case of a late arrival, if gates are closed blow your horn and the night guard will open the gates for you... mile south of the second over pass on your right as you come from Nogales to Hermosillo..

    All coments will be appreciated.


    I arrived at about 2:30 p.m. yesterday and found the gates locked. I honked a few times and finally another RV'er came to the gate and told me all the workers had left and locked the gate. He and his wife were locked inside. I found a cell number for Fausto (the owner) and called him to see if we could get in. He told me the night watchman would be there "in a little while" and would unlock the gate. I asked how long that might be and he replied that the watchman gets there at 6:00 p.m. and would open the gate then. I said that was too long to wait in the 33C heat, plus the fellow inside needed to get out to go retrieve his truck from a shop where he had taken it for repairs. Again, he told me the watchman would be there at 6:00 p.m. and would open the gate then. I said I would find another place and hung up. Then the lady of the pair that were locked inside asked me for the cell number for Fausto. She called him and told him they were locked in and HAD to get out so they could go get their truck from the repair shop. After some back and forth, he gave her a combination to the gate lock that he said would "probably" work. It did not. At that point I left to drive to Edgar and Ana's at Santa Ana where I was greeted with open arms! I suspect it will be a fair amount of time before I ever bother to stop here again.
  • Hi Tequila, Yes you are welcome for your group and of course you can contact any group that is coming down, the fifth wheel belongs to a friend, that has it here for a few weeks an any one in need of any thing please let me know my e-mail is I will be more than happy to help.....Muchas Gracias
  • I passed there today and noticed it looked in better shape. I saw one 5th wheel in there, I assume that may have been yours. I will be bringing about a 17 rig caravan in there on Jan 10th for a night, Fausto, if you want to mark your calendar. My Mex cell is 777-513-2739. We may not arrive til about 3 or 4, judging by the slowness at km 21 today. Now we know you are open we will use you. Are you interested in seeing if I can get you some French Canadian Caravan business in March? 2 of them are tending to exit via Nogales after doing Copper canyon.