Forum Discussion

MNawman's avatar
Dec 16, 2013

Hi way 550 in a big coach

Hey guys has anyone driven hi way 550 between Montrose Co and Durango in a 45 ft coach pulling a toad or 12 ft trailer? I've been on that road several times on a motorcycle or F-350, but not in the coach. That road gas a lot of sharp turns that I'm concerned with. If anyone has, are you able to stay in your lane, and what is the clearance of the tunnel South of Ouray? Thanks for any info.
  • Thank you, joe b, for so well stating what I have been telling people for some twelve and a half years on this Forum. It is NOT just the very dangerous road it is those coming against you who think their half is out of the middle. I have also always felt that some who post on here that say it is "just fine" fall into that category. I have close enuf with some of these people with just the tv that I can react with and handle that I would not think of doing it with the 5er.

    Besides which, Lizard Head Pass is a beautiful drive.

    But, one should drive Red Mountain with the tv or toad if they have the comfort level.

    God bless............. Merry Christmas to everyone. And especially to Sandi, our wonderful moderator for a very long time.

  • Here is a sign the state put up on the south end of the town of Ouray, just before you start up toward Red Mountain Pass.

    Do truckers run this route, some do, mostly is specialized truck, with automatic chains, auto sanders for the drive wheels. I worked for Ouray County as a deputy sheriff and as a deputy coroner for a number of years. Not long ago the Million dollar Highway was listed by one of the travel magazines as one of the top ten most dangerous highways in America. Keep in mind just because someone has a truck driver's license and a job driving, that doesn't mean they have any better judgment that anyone else. I have stopped a few trucks passing through Ouray, headed over Red Mountain, and required them to call their dispatch office to get an OK to drive over the pass. Most often, standing several feet away I would hear the dispatcher screaming over the phone telling the driver, that under no circumstances was he to take "their" truck over Red Mountain Pass.

    Will you survive the drive? Probably will, but I have hauled enough bodies off that mountain to know that not everyone makes it. As mentioned, it isn't just your driving, and all it takes is one big screw up from an oncoming driver and you will have more problems than you know what to do with, IMHO. Two summers ago I had to hit the ditch on the south side of Red Mountain Pass when I came around a blind curve, over on the Chattanooga Switch area, and found an 18 wheeler straddling the center line. You could see the fear in the driver's face as he squeezed the steering wheel. Was so glad I was on the inside, next to the mountain face and that I didn't tear off the passenger side mirror on my Jeep.

    I tend to recommend that drivers try the road first in their toad, if they are comfortable with the road then go for it. If not there are other roads headed south that are much easier to drive. Since the OP has done the drive on a motorcycle, he has a good idea of what the road is like. If you consider yourself to be a good mountain driver, go for it, but if you have any doubts, go around.

    Both the rock tunnel and the snow shed should be over 13 ft but I don't remember the exact figures on either.
  • I strongly recommend you do Search on here before thinking of driving Hwy 550, aka Red Mountain Pass aka Million Dollar Highway). Having done it many times - and an experienced mountain driver - I flat out do NOT advise you do it. Two lane road, little shoulder in many places with severe dropoffs and no guard rails, hairpin turns, etc. You have to take into to consideration also the drivers coming against you that you have no control over when they take their half out of the middle which, incidentally, you will be forced to do many times with your rig.
  • If I remember correctly, the main issue is the hairpin turns. You will need to time your entry into the turn when another large vehicle coming from the other way. Not really a problem since you going about 20 mph in those turns and you can see if its clear or not. Beautiful drive!
  • I try to hit it on a Sunday, when there is less traffic, especially the commercial big rigs.....
  • Thanks for the responses. That is a beautiful road, I wasn't sure if the big rigs avoided it. I ll have to hit it this summer
  • Have driven it several times in our 41' coach towing a full size pickup. I think it is one of the most scenic routes in America and can be done with ease in your coach.....
  • My overall length with my f250 was 58 feet and 550 remains one of my favorite drives in Colorado
  • We've done it a few times with our 40' and Jeep - both directions. No problems for us... and... we were able to stay in our lane. Semi truck drive it all the time. It all depends on how comfortable you are with those types of mountain roads. Some folks won't do it.