Forum Discussion

Red_Eagle's avatar
May 21, 2016

Highway 2 thru Maine,NH and Vermont

Will be camping near Acadia N.P. in Maine in July, then heading over to Vermont for several days. Plan on driving hwy 2 across Maine, thru New Hampshire and over to Montpelier,Vt(pulling a 31' 5er). This will be our first trip to New England states. How is this route for those who have pulled an RV ? Thanks for your info.
  • Its all good. Two lane and light traffic through pretty country. Lots to see near Mt Washington and a fun drive to the top if you haven't been there.
  • Stop in NH and see the white mountains. We stayed in Twin Mountain. Some of the prettiest scenry in the country IMO.
  • We pulled our 36' FW along the same route two years ago. Very easy route, and quite beautiful. You'll like it.
  • Towed our 34' fifth wheel on that same route, going east though, a few years ago. Beautiful scenery and no problem with the route.