When someone gives me a tip about avoiding frauds I am thankful and do not toss out a useless "It happens all over the world" Any 10-year old can affirm that :( Like "Nike" clothing that lasts 2-months.
Along the highways in the state of Oaxaca roadside Mescal vendors have set up tasting stands. There a prudent driver can take a micro taste of GOOD mescal, swirl it around the mouth then spit it out. Give it a full minute to settle down the after taste. Good mescal like good tequila is aged for a few years. Big city and tourist mecca frauds contain food coloring. But nothing but sugar (can you believe it?) can hope to tame the drain cleaner flavor of cheapo bitter mescal or tequila. I have tasted aged mescal that in my opinion kicks the butt of Don Julio tequila.
If you screw up and swallow any liquor after a couple of jolts anything tastes good. And spitting it out will keep you and yours alive and accident free to enjoy a full tasting in a campground.
And I have tasted good and inferior Mennonite chihuahua cheese. The low rent grade has a distinctly bitter flavor. Mennonites traded their personal cheese for a large gunnysack from an apple orchard located in Penrose California. Johnagold. Sweeter than any Gala or Fuji. I got a 5 pound slice of "the good stuff" sweet and creamy with the tang of aged cheese. This happened at a remote hot springs mini resort north of the bridge at Camargo Chihuahua. Nice folks. They were saving seeds in napkins. Now I am spoiled. Nothing since has lived up to that cheese. They were from farm 23 Ciudad Cuauhtemoc.