That is the beauty of obtaining official documents in Spanish and machine translating, or for that matter a lot of the miss information that is available on the internet and posting it here as "facts".
My neese's husband and his brother ride a motorcycle every day, the only motorcycles that are not permited on the expressways are the very small cylinder capacity, same as in the USA or Europe, a moped or a small Vespa can not keep up with high speed trafic, although the way traffic is in Mexico City, even walking is faster during rush hour.
As of today large cylinder motorcycles are excempt from the hoy no circula and are alawed on the exprassways, to clarrify the miss understanding only MOTORVEHICLES registered in the Federal District and the State of Mexico can have the decals with the color decal and days when they are not supposed to circulate, and only those that are new and meet the smog criteria and are registered in the Federal District and the State of Mexico may have the "O" and "OO" decals that permit them to circulate at any time.
The government wanted to include the motorcycles in the hoy no circula but there was a big push from the public for not doing this since many who need to travell from the out skirts where there is little or no public transport and can NOT afford a motorvehicle made it clear that the Distrito Federal government extended the Metro outside the Federal District or improved the mass transport.
Pitza Hut franchises use motorcycles for the delivery, otherwise the pitza would arrive several hours late, specially at rush hour, many other home deliveries are made by motorcycle, farmacies, supermarkets even Walmart delivers this way.
The "paisano" and tourist pass is only given out during two weeks in December and January for Cristmass and New Year.