Forum Discussion

Fer2005's avatar
Mar 09, 2018

Hwy 97 Prince George to Dawson Creek

I was thinking of taking 97 from Prince George to Dawson Creek instead of going up 40 thru Grand Prairie. We will be coming from Banff. I know it's 150 miles or so farther. Just wondered if anyone had done both and knew if the extra miles were worth the drive as far as scenery goes. I've been up 40 thru Grand Prairie from Jasper before. Thanks.
  • The north half of route 97 has had some flood damage repaired in the last few years. Hopefully there won’t be more damage this year. You won’t find many services along 97 until you get to Chetwynd. Much of the route has no cell service. I would say highway 40 is the better highway but it is pretty busy with oilfield trucks.

    On 97 You might watch for our favourite campsite, Heart Lake, 60 or 70 km west of Chetwynd. Not for big RVs. Small beach, nice lake for swimming and a great hike to Mountain Creek. When our kids were young we loved Bear Lake, an hour north of Prince George. Beautiful Lake Azuzetta is a great spot to canoe or kayak. Private campsite and cabins. There is a large boondocking area on the north side of the highway in the mountains where the highway turns from northward to eastward. It is a popular quading place with a trail to the big lake behind the Bennet hydro dam.
  • On one of our trips we've done 97 from the Canadian border at Washington State all the way up. It's a very nice highway.
  • I drive 97 (the Hart Highway) fairly often. It's very scenic, and has some gorgeous provincial parks as well as 2 excellent huge rest areas for boondockers like me. Highway 16 to get to 97 isn't as scenic, but is still very nice and also has some nice parks.
  • We have not driven that route yet. Was also thinking about it for this year.

    We really enjoyed 40 out of Hinton to Grand Prairie.

    If you take 97 before May 15th let us know what you think!