Just traveled from Denver to Pittsburgh on I 70. We had 60-70 mph wind gusts in CO and KS, I 70 in Missouri should be called Misery!, it was bumpy and not RV friendly, the left lane was tolerable most of the time, did not go over 62-63mph or bumps would have been worse. In Illinois & Indiana I 70 is better that Misery(Missouri). Ohio part of I 70 has some areas that are not to great, watch out for the seams between lanes, saw some really big pot holes there, when changing lanes plan ahead if possible. Only road on I 70 in PA from Ohio line to New Stanton, I live close to there. Of course there seem to be orange cones every 20-30 miles in Misery, Illinois, Ohio and PA, we only had a traffic back-up one time in a construction zone. Take the bypasses around St Louis, Indianapolis, Columbus regardless of what time of day, but plan on not doing any of them at business rush hours. Fuel prices were all over the place, found fuel more expensive in Ohio and PA, Missouri was the most reasonable prices. There are some fairly steep grades in WV where you cross the Ohio River, and you do travel through hills and curves in PA. Have fun and enjoy the scenery.