ford truck guy wrote:
Matt_Colie wrote:
Now you know why I watch the planning software for tolls and toll roads. I always look up the tolls when we are planning.
If you are going east/west in New York, try to find the Southern Tier road.
Obviously, if you have such a big rig, you must be RICH and you should pay your fair share.....
I hope that was a joke------
just because one has a newer/larger RV than the other , that does not make them rich , or better.... I see some of these signs at RV shows , get a 240 month loan... anyone can buy anything , and not be better than the rest
It was, but that does seem to be the way government money collectors think about all RVs and boats. Our coach weights less than 10K and they seem to think it has three axles (it doesn't), so lots of places want to nick us for the same toll as a Greyhound. (The rear is one axle with tires in tandem instead of dual. Six only and only 16")