Forum Discussion

USMC46's avatar
Jul 16, 2014

I-95 (Maine) Advice ?

We will be heading south from Bar Harbor, taking I-95. I notice 95 veers west some as a toll road by-passing Brunswick and Portland, or you can take 295 along the coast. We have nothing in particular to stop in Brunswick or Portland for. Is the toll road a good road ? Thanks. Anything in Brunswick that is a "must see" ?
  • Brunswick has the Perry-McMillan museum on the campus of Bowdoin College -- small but worth a visit. Across the street is the home of Joshua Chamberlain: hero of Little Roundtop at the Battke of Gettysburg, recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor, President of Bowdoin College, and Govenor of Maine. There is also great musical theatre in the summer on campus. The Maine Maritime Museum in Bath is superb.

    I295 is certainly the way to go is you want to go on highways. It's shorter, just as good, and without tolls.

  • Brunswick is also Bath with a great Maritime Museum and Bath Iron Works (Navy! shipbuilder) - Popham Beach State Park and some great coves and lobster.
  • Likewise, I don't know anything about Brunswick.

    When I go to Bar Harbor I use 295 and get back on the Maine Turnpike at the Falmouth cutover. It is 10 miles shorter on 295 and 295 is a good road.

    Interesting thing: Last year a motor home went zooming past me just before I got on 295 at Gardiner. I went down 295 at my usual easy pace (60 to 62mph) and just after I got back on 95 at the Falmouth crossover the same motorhome zoomed past me again, he must have been going 70mph at the least.

    FWIW: The exit 25 plaza Southbound has a nice tree shaded picnic area. We always stop there for a picnic lunch on the way South from Bar Harbor.
  • Take 95 Bangor to Gardiner exit (small toll).
    Then 295 to Falmouth exit, where you get back on 95 (toll).

    You can save a little toll money by staying on 295 a little further to its end, where you get back on 95, but traffic can be more white-knuckle that way.

    They're both good serious construction.
  • I know of nothing in Brunswick, but LLBean further down is good. 295 is a good road.