If you have lots of time and aren't interested in seeing the cities in particular, you might want to think about heading west through New Hampshire and Vermont and then south on I-87 to I-88 to I-81. One reasonable route, certainly not the only one, would be 25 into NH, north to Conway, and then either the Kanc (NH 112) or US302 through the White Mountains. Then I-93 N to US2 to I-89 (or stay on US2 where it parallels I-89, though the interstate is the better/quicker road in general). In the Burlington, VT area, take 7 south (I-189 to get from I-89 to 7), to 22A at Vergennes, to US 4 into NY. From there, cut over on 149 to the Lake George area and catch I-87 S.
If you go from I-87 to I-88 on I-90 there's no toll charge, by the way.
Some here dislike I-88 with a passion, but I've never found it to be a particularly bad road, certainly not recently. There is sometimes construction (which is true for most any road), and portions of it are concrete with periodic expansion joints, but nothing that's beat me up. Maybe some RVs have suspensions that resonate at the frequency of the expansion joints or something.
Anyhow, it's another option.