If you're on the road now, you are more than likely going to hit some horrendous holiday traffic. If you don't dilly dally, and get through Atlanta mid-week, you're going to experience the best traffic for the next week or two. Kids are out of school this week, so, it seems everyone is heading for Disney World. There's really no good way to get around Atlanta, I-85 and I-75 both merge in Atlanta. The only route I can figure which will avoid Atlanta traffic would be to get off of I-75 at Calhoun Ga, onto Ga Hwy 53 to Rome Ga, where you could pick-up US 27 to Carollton Ga, and then catch Ga Hwy 16 to I-75. I really don't think that would be any faster than going through Atlanta, but it's all good road, much of it 4-lane. Wave as you go through the 4-way stop sign on Hwy 16 in Turin, I only live about a mile from there. Hwy 16 is two lane from Carollton to Griffin, but good road without a whole lot of traffic, usually.
If you're going to Disney World, get off of the Fla Turnpike on Fl 429 South and enter Disney from Hertzog Road. You avoid I-4 in Orlando that way, which usually is worse than Atlanta traffic.