Matt_Colie wrote:
Just because some of you are interested:
The coach is a 23 GMC and does just under 10mpg.
From Marquette to our home is about 550 if you cross the bridge.
From Marquette to our home if we go around the west side of Lake Michigan is just over 600 miles.
I worked in Chicago for a while and know how to safely bypass all of the toll roads.
If I can hit the right Costcos and Krogers, that 15$ will pay for the extra fuel.
Don't even think about the Badger unless you want the boat ride. It is ~140$us for the coach and 60$us per head, got that? That is what I would pay on a cruise ship, and they feed you there.
As a guy that ran engine on iron boats for a good while, there is nothing about the Badger that I need to see.
I live in SE Michigan as well (see my location in my data line)... I would never consider driving across (94, I live just south of it) to 80 and up through the windy into Wisconsin and around. Way too long time wise and I despise Chicago drivers anyway. We have relatives just south of Cook County and everytime we visit, I get the heebie-jeebies dealing with the idiots that drive there.
Consequently, your reply makes no practical sens to me. The bridge was built as an easier way to access the UP and Wisconsin to the west and Canada to the east.
When we go to Illinois I always take 95 and white knuckle it through Cook County.