navegator wrote:
It is not a question of having a good time that can be had anywere, it is a question of the drug pushers in Acapulco, Cancun, the Rivera Maya, Huatulco , Los Cabos, Mazatlan, ETC,ETC.
These joung ladies need to understand that mixed open drinks are easy target for the ruffy croud (date **** drugs) and the best thing to do is order beers un-opened, give each lady a small bottle opener and have them refuse any beer bottle that comes to the table opened and any bottle left open at the tabe unatended should be considered compromised and do not drink it and above all do not drink anything that is offered in an open glass or bottle by a stranger.
Am I to extreeme, yes I worked with and for a police department and I have seen the devastation that drugs do to the individual that uses, the immediate family, the community in general.
I consider schedgule 1 and 2 drugs weapons of mass destruction.
My friends at the FBI, DEA and Police Officers all agree with me.
Be carefull and above everything be safe, a good time can be had.
Navegator, I agree 110%. Roofies are still prevalent in the area. The young ladies just have to be smart and cautious with their drinks.
Other than that they should have a blast