Grit dog wrote:
Nope, keep 303ing or waxing them and get the most outta them you can.
I HATE cheap vinyl decals on stuff exposed to alot of UV. With the RV industry, it is like an epidemic of planned obsolescence.
Some recommend scraping the decals right away before you get discoloration in the siding, but then your camper look like a FEMA trailer.
I've been slowly cutting back the "splash" looking decals on our old camper, keeps em from looking too raggedy. And you cant really tell since they are irregular shaped. If I actually had spare time, I'd scrape em all and either do some vinyl wrap, paint or get a new set of decals.
Mine mostly started to curl, and did the same , trimmed them back. It got to the point where you could actually see the border where they used to be. There is no secret they are eventually going to go bad, then its either replace them , or paint new ones .
There is no way I know of to hide where they were, the oxidation around them is nearly impossible to buff out. The shadows will show.