I wonder how many people on this forum are aware of the policy changes this president has made and that we are definitely headed for a populist or dictatorial government. Censorship has been in place now for over two years and he has made constitutional reforms that are affecting Mexico's economy and the environment.
He touts his social programs, but all of those programs existed long before him but under different names. He is a vengeful person who is seeking revenge from those politicians who wouldn't, out of fear for the country allow him to play. He is an exact copy of Hugo Chavez and is following the seven steps of dictatorship as outlined by Marx. Four have already been completed.
That said, it probably doesn't matter much to those who come here to have fun but it will affect all of us in the long run. Almost 4 million Venezuelans have flooded nearby Colombia and Ecuador and have made their way to Mexico because of the dictatorship there that has destroyed the country. Imagine the rush that now exists on the U.S. border becoming worse because of severely uneducated political decisions by this Mexican administration. You may not be aware of the fact that Baja California governor Bonilla, has begun an expropriation of the famous Club Campestre Golf Club. Bonilla is a supporter and ally of AMLO.
Again, tune into local and state news to see the effects of this government and the "no confrontation" policies that have now turned the state of Guanajuato into the most dangerous in the world with Celaya the most dangerous city in the world. Cartels are now using drones to fight against adversaries including the new Guardia Nacional and using high caliber weapons to shoot down helicopters.
I would avoid crossing at Laredo under all circumstances. The police have ceded to the cartels there and you will find but four federale patrols on the way south.
Oil and PEMEX have become the presidential goal. A nationalized company that should have filed bankruptcy years ago and is in debt to the tune of 24 billion USD. His new $8 billion USD refinery, Dos Bocas, has destroyed the local economy and the environment around the refinery. The fishing industry there is dying. The world is now turning to EVs and Mexico will stay behind I believe to support Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Peru.
A major vote will take place on June 6th for state and local governments in 26 states.