Thanks for the info. I have been following the websites and the news on the highway. Just wanted an update from someone who has driven it this year. I know they got it classified a Class A all-weather road in 2011 then started a 120 mile asphalt project.
I have no problem driving 450 miles on good gravel roads but don't want to drive through a 120 construction project. My main concern is how much they have completed and how much is still under construction. Also, are they doing it in short stretches or long stretches?
No amount of info on the internet is as good as eye ball info.
I did Newfoundland in 2007 and that is our object for 2015. In 2007 we drove the motorhome 2,500 miles and the pickup 2,000 miles while on the island so we saw a lot of it but want to go back for another visit, by way of Labrador.
Will also request an update next year before we leave for the trip.