we are having a new grandson the last of October this year. we also are planning our first snowbird trip to Yuma but we are not going to miss the birth and the joy of being grandparents again. SO we are planning to leave eastern Oregon some time about the 1st of Feb for Yuma. just don't know which way to go. have been talking to my friends here in town they say it depends on the weather window. if it's nasty in Oregon, Idaho and Utah then go as far west as the Oregon coast to head down and drive through Calif. that might be the dry way, but I am really reluctant to drive in Calif if I have a choice. Let's face it, the traffic and the roads are some of the worst around. and the farmers almanac is saying the snow is going to be deep this year. You guys who live in Calif, just how good are the roads?
Not sure where you are coming from with your perception of California roads. Millions of folks take to the road system every day and get where they are going on California roads. You, too, will get to where you are going as well. Some can be a little busy but if you have a weather window take US 395 that follows the eastern side of the Sierras and you will find it is not too busy and the road is in good conditon. Otherwise, as previously mentioned, US 95 south to Las Vegas and then south to Yuma. Snow south of Tonopah/Goldfield on US 95 or Bishop on US 395 rarely presents a driving problem.