We have had great results with our Garmin 760LMT in 6,000 miles of travel since Nov 1st, 2014. Best results is to look on a map to find the most favorable route that you wish to take prior to your days journey. If the GPS sends you to a city or on a route that does not sound familiar to what you have looked at on the map, you will be better able to make a decision as to what route is best.
I have found that if my choice route and the Garmin's route become different, I stick with the route that I charted when looking at the map prior to my trip. On occasions when those routes differ, the Garmin will promptly recalculate a new route which I have found to be the my preferred route that I planned from viewing the maps.
The Garmin 760LMT has been a wonderful tool to assist us with our travels. The only functions I would like to see added are: Elevation and compass direction.